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The potential of peace systems: Creating safety and security for humanity

- By Douglas P. Fry & Geneviève Souillac Never in the history of the human species have people everywhere on the planet shared a common fate. Never has there been such an urgent need for concerted global action...


The potential of peace systems: Creating safety and security for humanity

By Douglas P. Fry & Geneviève Souillac


Never in the history of the human species have people everywhere on the planet shared a common fate. Never has there been such an urgent need for concerted global action for survival. A classic sci-fi scenario tells that when the Martians invade Earth, the people of the blue planet band together in a common defense. There are no Martians at the door, but we have met the enemy and he is us. Due to human activities, the ice caps are melting, sea levels rising, forests blazing, crops withering, wild species disappearing, seas dying. Dictators have nuclear weapons at their disposal. Regardless of religion, national citizenship, culture of origin, or other such identity demarcations, everyone who breathes is at risk. We are all facing a global red alert together. Sans Martians, the imperative is thrust upon all of us that humanity must pull together to cure our ills. Unity of purpose leaves no place for warring amongst ourselves on an interdependent planet in peril.

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