Summer Edition
Welcome to The Irenaut, a magazine that aims to understand peace as an active principle—an energy—rather than a state defined in contradistinction to conflict or war.
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Autumn Issue coming soon.

Our upcoming issue features a distinguished array of work, including an exclusive interview with the renowned author and cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker.

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What we do

With academic articles, essays, stories, poems, pictures, we begin the task of exploring peace as an irenic force. Join us on this voyage, as along the way we sight countless forms of violence and work to loosen their parasitic grip on human flourishing.

Order by Nij
Chaos by George Frederic Watts


The Irenaut is committed to the principle that we humans can, individually and collectively, exert an irenic force on ourselves and those around us, on our environment (in all senses of the word), our institutions, our leaders, and on our future. 

Currently, The Irenaut is exclusively available online. However, we aim to offer our readers print copies starting next year.

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